
Event Date

Jan 12, 2019

I like to introduce new things to our workouts.  Most of the time they work, sometimes they fail, but I like to try.  Today I thought I would share my 2.0 Soldier's love for Lacrosse and his stick collection with the PAX.  So I brought out the 10+ sticks we have accumulated, and Diesel helped me out by bringing a few sticks as well, along with his two goals…
We setup the goals beforehand and everyone gets a stick and we start the warm up…

Warm up:

5 IC Travoltas (R arm up)  – In the normal right/left arm up plank position, raised arm is lowered and reaches as far as possible underneath and behind your body, and then back up. Think Stayin' Alive in the side plank position. Extra credit for actually using a pointed finger.
5 IC Travoltas (L arm up)
3 Burpees
With LAX stick…
10 IC Windmill (with stick across shoulders and hands on the ends)
3 Burpees
10 IC Squats (with stick across middle back)
3 Burpees
10 IC Merkins
Parking lot zigzag mosey while carrying your stick (shuffles, karaoke, etc) ending up at the tennis courts, but had to swing back by the launchpad because Q forgot to grab the balls.

The Thang:

Why the tennis courts? …the fence…so we dont have to chase down all the balls while PAX learn during some drills:

  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • Each PAX gets a ball, scoop and run, release, scoop and run, from one end of the court to the other and back.
  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • Partner up and pass back and forth with your partner for 2 minutes, stopping half way for 3 burpees..
  • 3 Burpees OYO to leave the courts

Mosey to the track in front of the field house.

  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • 10 IC Dirty Hookups (Maters asked what these were called at last workout, so we had to do them for him)
  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • 20 OYO wall kicks

Mosey to the practice field.  Q splits PAX into 2 teams (no goalies)
Play lacrosse for remainder of workout with a few rules:
– we don't have on pads/helmets, so no slashing/whacking/hitting with the sticks, but you can run into people 🙂
– no goalies, so if you take a shot and it does not go in, stop and immediately do 3 burpees while the game carries on.
– if your team scores the other team does 3 burpees.
– only two people at the ball, no bunching (you can kick the ball)


For all of you with little ones, you know the song… 
To the tune of Baby Shark:

  • baby shark = low dolly
  • mommy shark = scissor kicks
  • daddy shark = legs up/down together
  • grandma shark = alt knee ups (Freddie Merk)
  • grandpa shark = american hammer
  • hunt = V-ups
  • run = flip over to mountain climbers
  • safe = plank jacks
  • end = hold plank


So we end with Sharks…  Which leads me to this verse:

Genesis 1:21, ESV: "So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."

Recently I listened to a discussion about creation and how the Lord made something, saw that it was great.  Then waited for the next day, created something, saw that it was great.  And so on until the 7th day where He rested.  He could have done all of that at the blink of an eye, but instead he shows us patients and purpose in his actions.


  • Somehow pax still throw balls our of tennis court, resulting in additional burpee penalty
  • lots of references to sticks and balls
  • 3 lacrosse sticks paid the price and lost their lives today.
  • approx 2 miles covered in the workout
  • a tiny lacrosse stick was brought just in case skipper showed up to Mustang
  • Abrams puts himself into running laps "timeout" after breaking a stick
  • I think it turned out pretty good, would like your feedback.