Ladder Day at The Foundry

PAX of 15 learned to climb ladders as YHC returned to his ol' stompin' grounds for pre-4th of July weekend smokefest.


  • Mosey around parking lot doing butt kickers, high knees, and side shuffle ending up at back of parking lot by pull-up bars
  • SSH 25X IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 10X IC
  • Wind Mill 10X IC

The Thang

Ladder one – split the PAX into 2 groups

  • Group 1
    • 10 burpees descending by 1 rep down to 1
    • 1 pull-up ascending by 1 rep up to 10
  • Group 2
    • 10 pull-ups descending by 1 rep down to 1
    • 1 burpee ascending by 1 rep up to 10
  • Once PAX finished ladder line up in the 4th parking lot row
    • 2 sprints (~30 yards)
  • Mosey 2 parking spots toward the church and line up again
    • 2 sprints

Ladder Two – Mosey to parking lot row by the cars

  • 10 Muricans OYO descending by 1 rep down to 1
  • 1 squat OYO ascending by 1 rep up to 10
  • Line up – 2 sprints

Ladder Three – Mosey to pavillion and grab some low wall

  • 10 wall jumps OYO descending by 1 rep down to 1
  • 1 dips IC ascending by 1 rep up to 10
  • 1 wall jump OYO ascending by 1 rep up to 10
  • 10 dips IC descending by 1 rep down to 1

Mosey to wall at the back of the church

  • Wall sit for 45 seconds
    • Air presses 10X IC
  • Balls to the wall for ~30 seconds
  • Repeato sequence

Mosey to the cars and line up – 2 sprints


  • Low flutter 25X IC
  • Low Dolly 15X IC



  • Thanks Ty Webb for the opportunity to get out there and lead the PAX, LFC is one of my favorite AO's
  • Great job by all, minimal mumble chatter and a whole lot of work was being down – way to earn the 4th of July over indulgence