Ladder day at the Oak

13 in the gloom today.  Dingo the PAX showed guts today.

5 exercise ladder (started with 10 reps added on 2 each time)

Round 1 – 10 reps (Curls, Crushers,V-ups, Squat & Swings) w/ Cinder

Run around school – stop half way do some HR merks/burpees

Round 2 – 12 reps (Curls, Crushers,V-ups, Squat & Swings) w/ Cinder

Line run around track

Round 3 – 14 reps (Curls, Crushers,V-ups, Squat & Swings) w/ Cinder

Suicide runs to goals 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 burpees each time

Round 4 – 16 & 18 reps (Curls, Crushers,V-ups, Squat & Swings) w/ Cinder

Run around school – stop at corners for 5 – 6 skip to 10 burpees

Last round – 20 reps (Curls, Crushers,V-ups, Squat & Swings) w/ Cinder

Put up Blocks

Good to see the crew this am.  

Thanks for letting me lead Dingo!

MIssed one PAX in list up top could not find Hilo sorry brother