Ladder Goodness

Event Date

Oct 01, 2016


11 appeared from the chill to see a 36-bar ladder chalked on the ground.  I figured if a normal 12-bar ladder was good, 3x must be good-er…right?

– 20x SSH (x = in cadence)
– 10x merkins
– 10x alternating lunges
– arm circles
– 10x carolina dry docks
– 15x mountain climbers

– right foot out-in-out zig zag
– left foot out-in-out zig zag
– both feet out, both in hopskotch
– both feet out, both in, both out zig zag
– both hands out, both hands in, both hands out
– both hands…other hand leading, feet on other side
(various squat, lunge, plank, as the line finishes each exercise)

Big Hill Run

– shuffle in, step out to side with 1 foot, shuffle, 1 out, etc.
– both feet out, both in hopskotch
– both feet out, both in, both out zig zag
– both hands out, both hands in, both hands out
– both hands…other hand leading, feet on other side
(various squat, lunge, plank, as the line finishes each exercise)

Big Hill Run

Go to the back.  Grab a block.
20x curls
15x squat thrusters
10x alternative lunges

3 rounds of up and over the monkey bars. 
Quick demo on the "Atlantis flip".
Helpers to give a hand for the step up.
T-claps to several guys that were able to do muscle ups to get over.

More curls
More shoulder work
More leg work

Trail Run W-I-T-H block.  #CrowdPleaser

Blocks back

right foot hop
left foot hop
2-in, 2-out
right hand walk
left hand walk

S-L-O-W Indian Run to Quad Hill.
4 minutes of mosey down and sprint backwards up the hill.  About 30 seconds per lap.  T-claps to Anvil and Frisbee for Larry Birding the last lap.  #XtraCredit.  T-claps to Frisbee for leading the way and pushing the pace on the way back. 
#DudesGotWheels #TheForceIsStrongInThisOne

Mary Time:
20x LBC
10x Reverse Toe Touches
20x Strict Peter Parkers, low plank, knees to elbows.


Reflection:  1 Peter 2: 1-3
Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
– It's easy to think that just because we have been in church since we were wee lads that we must naturally be developing spiritually.
– It's an easy trap.  Spiritual development isn't like your age.  It doesn't just happen.  There's intention and desire and effort and heart involved.
– As you evaluate where your family members are in their walk, don't forget to take a realistic and objective evaluation of yourself. 
– Do you need to focus on your relationship with Christ?  As you see His good works, are you craving for more?  Do you need to recognize the goodness in your life and His role in that?  Do you need to rid yourself of somethings?

– Fun doing things a little different this week.  T-claps for the help in marking the ladder in chalk.  (We had issues stepping on the ladder last time…no doubt because we were spent…but this worked better)  Plus, we were able to extend the ladder to its full 36' length.  #SeemedLikeAGoodIdea
– Anxiously awaiting Anvil's VQ next Saturday…with a little trepidation to be honest.
– T-claps to whoever mentioned that I missed the Jacob's Ladder reflection…that would have been good.  Next time…muahahahaha
– Love seeing the 2.0's enjoy working out with their Dads.
– HUGE T-claps to Atlantis's M for a phenomenal breakfast spread for the 2nd F.  Really Really Grateful!!  Great to see some Mustangs come up for breakfast too.

It was an honor to lead guys