Lap Around the Hood

Event Date

Jul 16, 2018


for a few moments the Q was wondering if it was to be a sadclown run, then 3 men showed up to start the journey


Run to corner


Merkin X 10

Windmill X 10

Run to latta playground

Step ups 10X each leg

Derkin X 10


lap around to circle/pavillion

WW2 X 15

Dips X 10


Stop at neck road

Pretzel X 10 each side

Running, across neck stop at Pamela sign

LBC X 25

Running, up Pamela, quick hit on Beatties ford, pullup in Tanners Creek

Dips X 15

Dying Cockroach X 15

Run to Tanners Playground

Merkin X 15

Swing Crunches X 15

Running, to depth of Tanners and back up, stop at april mist

Merkin X 15

Running, back to home base

LBC X  15

Plank for 10 second count per PAX

Recover, Recover!

Never easy getting moving on a monday morning, I needed this run today.  Good seeing Bob Ross ramping up the running, 66 and Dirt both pushed themselves.  BTW 66 you are not fat.  The Force may need to set that alarm clock 1 minute early, hope he posted his early running on Strava, else it doesn't count 🙂