
warm up mile

400 moderate-fast pace

800 moderate-fast pace

1200 moderate-fast pace

800 fast pace

Suzanne somers x 10 each side

LBC X 15

400 fast pace

modified suzanne somers X 7 each leg front – and back

quick mosey to the launchpad

First, welcome to Evan aka Sticky – ask him why if you see him, think he might have gotten lucky on this naming, could have been worse… much worse

Gambini bothered me for credit

Good to see Bob Ross, think he's been on the upswing though admittedly he might be at Ludicrous more than YHC

Snake Eyes speed continues!

Good luck to BEP and Calypso on their Colonial Race (if rumors are true they're going to need all the help they can get), oh, and please don't kill Turnpike at the race

BEP thanks for the opportunity to lead today, its always an honor!