Laps Around the Lake (Roosevelt Wilson, that is), Mary K Majority & Hardwood…

Additional PAX:  Sea Biscuit, Scorsese, Lady Bear, Padre & FNG Brian Mobley (sp?) – 2nd Post and named "Hardwood".  

The gloom brought forth 28 total men this morning and when given the choice after warm-up, a majority chose to go with Mary K for a minimal running workout while 8 brave men choose the running option and followed me for Laps Around the Lake at Roosevelt Wilson Park.


SSH 15xIC, Toy Soldier 15x IC, Cotton Picker 15x IC, Peter Parker 15xIC, leg stretches.  

Present the PAX with running or not running options.

Head out to Roosevelt Wilson Park via Main St. & Griffith St. (approx. 0.6 mile) & plank it up until all arrive.  Held plank longer until realizing that we were a smaller group and were all already there….

J-Low 15xIC, LBC 15xIC, Mason Twist 15xIC.  

Run 1 lap around the lake (approx. 0.34 miles).  We quickly realized there was an added mental component to the lap, as we had to be very strategic with each foot placement to avoid geese poop covering most of the paved path.

Plank it up near the picnic tables until all arrive (much shorter plank time this time.)  

Carolina Dry Dock 15xIC, Incline Merkins 15xIC, Decline Merkins 10xIC.

Run 2 laps around the lake (approx. 0.68 miles) – continue mental exercise of geese poop dodging.

Plank it up near the picnic tables until all arrive.

Freddy Mercury 15xIC, Heels to Heaven 15x IC, WWII Sit-ups 15x IC, Decline Merkins 5x IC (make up for missing the last 5 last time – thanks for the indirect reference to remind me Fidel!)

Run 2 laps around the lake, opposite direction (approx. 0.68 miles) – enhanced mental exercise of geese poop dodging since we could no longer use our same path through the poop from the pervious three times around.

Plank it up near the picnic tables until all arrive.

Alternating Step Ups 10xIC each leg (20x total), Squats 20xIC, Low Flutter 20x IC. 

Head back to the Green for Mary via Watson St, to Depot St. to Main St. (approx. 0.6 miles).  


Peter Parker 10xIC, Hip Thrust 10xIC, Heel Touch 10xIC, Homer & Marge 10xIC, IST 10xIC, Windmill 10xIC.  

Recover, Recover.


Great job to both groups today!  About 3 miles for the running group and from the brief amount I heard, the other group had some fun with Mary Katherines, Release Merkins, B2TW, etc.  Phenomenal that the two groups went in opposite directions from the Green and ended up back there for Mary at about the exact same time.  It's always an honor and a privilege to Q the Davidson PAX and I'm grateful to be part of this AO and brotherhood!