Welcome DIY. Thanks to everyone who came out. Strong group effort. Here's what went down on the track at Grand Oak.
Reps of 20x15x10x5 w/ a quarter-lap in between:
- Curls
- Merkins
- LBCs
- Squats
Reps of 5x10x15x20 w/ a quarter-lap in between:
- Shoulder Press
- Merkins
- Dying Cockroach
- Jump Squats
Tackled the soccer arms with:
- Skull Crushers (10x)
- High Curl (10x)
- Low Curl (10x)
- Full Curl (10x)
Mosey to the benches for some:
- Dips (10x)
- Incline Merkins (10x)
- Decline Merkins (10x)
- Step Ups (20x)
Parner up for some:
- Leg Throws (10x)
- Hand clap merkins (10x)
Finish up with some pull-ups for 3 minutes of Mary.