Last day of March 2021

Event Date

Mar 31, 2021

7 men appeared in the gloom to finish March with a bit of Metal!


SSH, CP, WM, TS, Arm Circles, Stretching

The Thang!

2 Sets of 20 Reps of each of the following exercises with your choice of dumbbells:

  • Rev Lunge Press / Sumo Curls / RDL Curl
  • LBC Press / Boat Press / OH Pull Close Handed Press
  • Bridge Fly Knee to Chest / Mason / OH Pull Crunch
  • Curl / 777 / Hammers


  • Strong work by all men today!
  • Arms burning so good, combo moves added a little extra sauce.  2 exercises in one…
  • 911 goes the extra mile and drives home quickly to get Schwinn some dumbbells, thanks 911 for going the extra mile for some Fitness and Fellowship!
  • Slow gives recipe ideas, apparently fries give salads a college education, a must try
  • Schwinn talks about trip to Aruba, sounds like a great place to go!
  • It was an honor men!