Last Minute Estate


This morning began with the promise of frosty fingers, a full hour, and an FNG that was posting for the 2nd time. That means he gets a name… if he makes it. 

1 Lap
25 SSH
20 IST
15 CP
10 WM
1 Lap (MiniMe asked for seconds)
1 Lap

All PAX in one rank at the base of the hill. 
Bottom 5 Burpees
Quadraphillia up
Top 5 Burpees 
Crab Walk down
Forward lunge walk 20m
Reverse lunge walk 20m
Run 1 Lap

Round 2
Same as above add 5 Burpees at the top and bottom
Before Lap add 15 Squats 

Round 3 Same as Round 2 add 5 Burpees at top and bottom. Add 15 Muricans to the 15 squats before Lap. 

Round 4 
Drop 5 Burpees at the top and bottom
The rest is the same. 
Run a Lap

Round 5
Drop 5 Burpees 
The rest is the same. 
Run a Lap. 

Round 6
Drop Burpees
Run a Lap

Mosey to baseball field. 
15 fence jumps OYO

Mosey back for:

25 Dying cock roaches
25 Rosalitas 
25 low Dollies
25 LBCs
25 BBCs
25 Low Flutters
1 Crisp Clean Burpee


MiniMe – thanks for the sweep (and the extra lap. I'm so glad you showed me how parentheses hide your text). 

Snake Eyes always strong. 

Goat – You – always make me want to be better. 

9er – Good to see you old friend. 

Silver Bullet – you and Scrappy running together made me smile. Nothing but legs. Long ones and short ones, but all legs. 

Lawn Dart – we'll get one of those book bags on you… I'm sure of it. 

The Beast – lived up to your name… yet again. 

Freedom – you were hard to catch. Getting faster my friend. 

Country Club – You know how to suffer in silence. Not a single word. 

Mayhem – Machine. 

The Professor – thanks for letting me have the Q at the last minute. 

Kilt – Welcome.  Addicted you now are. Far you will go. Merlot you will not. 

F3 is a gift. You get nothing by holding it back. You have to #giveitaway to get anything out of it. 

~ Jedi