Last Minute Q Brings the PainWheel to the Sword

Event Date

Jun 06, 2016

PAX list continuted:  Gotta Guy 

Master Q Lego put out the last minute call for a PAX to take over #TheSword because he and AUTO went for a little half-pipe ride near Blythe Elementary and took on the #Bonesaw. 

I answered the call and put out a pre-blast that we would be doing interval training at LFC as #BRR training has begun. 

10 PAX showed up for a little bit of interval training.  Firestone said the BB should just say, "We ran."  Good call brother.  We did run and we are all faster men now.  We entered what I like to call the #PainWheel (a neverending onslaught of laps around in a circular motion causing strain and significant discomfort to the PAX). 


Mosey one lap and then to the fireplace for some hot yoga by the invisible fireplace.  

8-track showed up late and he was about to go into the forest until we reeled him back in.  

We did some merkins, anothe warm-up lap, and then a fast lap. 


2 LAPS at 85% 

1 LAP at 60%

Repeato 3 times 

Firestone said we ran over 4 miles.  It's possible.  


(1) WW2 situps, (2) more hot yoga (for real this time), (3) elbow plankity plank


1.  Firestone and Junk noted that they would read the pre-blast next time before showing up. Aye. 

2.  Rocket almost bailed to the Mighty Oak after I warrned of the interval training. 

3.  I'm convinced Ty Webb and Caboose have no "F3" shirts and may actually share the same wardrobe.  I'm going make an F3 cookie cutter template and spray paint an emblem on their matching royal blue tees. 

4.  Gotta Guy said he hasn't been out in a while.  Welcome back Kotter.  Great to meet you. 

5.  Master Po…I'm like 6 inches taller than you.  Ok, maybe 1 inch.  Thanks for the confidence boost.   

6.  8-Track curses like a sailor until you get him moving then he's all business.  Watch out PT.   You have compeition. 

7.  Swede, you lost 20 pounds of water today.  Nice work brother. 

8.  I had to go #chippendale after one of the sets today.  Luckily it was still dark and I managed to find my shirt again for MARY.

Firestone took us out in the COT.  We prayed for Olive and family. Keep fighting the good fight of faith brother.  We always don't have the answer on this Earth.  And that's ok.  We love you man and are here to fight with you.