Last PAINinsula workout of 2024. What could go wrong ???

Final PAINinsula workout of 2024

8 PAX were in attendance at the Harris Teeter in Jetton for the last and final workout of 2024.  Very much appreciative for this group of men this morning. Happy New Year.

The recap of the workout below.

Mosey around the Harris Teeter parking lot for any last minute stragglers (whispers were heard that this was a running workout), then over to the parking lot in front of the Yoga Studio for a bootcamp workout (for Oyster).  100 Squats were requested by Shaken.

Warm-o-roma: neck rolls both directions, arm circles both directions and big circles, Windmill slow IC X 10, long snapper IC X 15, chin to each knee for 5 sec hold, runners stretch both sides for 5 sec hold, middle hang for 5 sec hold, ISTs IC X 15, Toy Soldiers IC X 10.  Mosey to the nearest rock pile and each PAX grab a rock.  Partner up and mosey back to the parking lot.

The Thang: The PAX were evenly divided up by partner on each side of the parking lot.  Partner 1 perform a counted exercise while Partner 2 performed AMRAP exercise until Partner 1 ran over an relieved him.  Then flip flop rocks and exercises.  After each round, all PAX combine the 2 exercises for 15 reps.
   Round 1 – Partner 1 – Squats X 15
                      Partner 2 – Curls
    Round 2 – Partner 1 – Squats X 10
                        Partner 2 – overhead press
   Round 3 – Partner 1 – backwards lunges X 10ea leg
                       Partner 2 – chest press
Mosey over between the buildings 

Grab some Wall: peoples chair with land the plane IC X 10, praying mantis IC X 10. Repeato.  Here is where the Q caused A LOT of confusion.  My bad.  I was just trying get everyone out of their comfort zone a little and break the monotony of typical routine.  Q in a previous workout called the brick structure around the trees a “retaining wall” and most of the PAX in attendance during that Q said that a retaining wall is the brick structure around the dumpsters.  So I was just trying to poke a little bit of fun by calling the brick structures a “flower box”.  My bad y’all.  Dips X 10 count.  Mosey back to the parking lot.

Mobility Moment: from a full situp position, rotate your knees to the side and twist your lower back, then stretch the top leg completely straight while bringing it perpendicular to your body.  Hold for 5 sec. Repeato on other side. Repeato.  Grab your rock. Weighted LBCs.  Chest press.  Repeato.  The W IC X 10. Dying cockroach IC X 10.  Here is where the Q caused A LOT of confusion.  My bad.  Instead of returning to launch, the Q attempted to end the workout in the Yoga Studio parking lot and have COT with a commemorative PIC there, however most PAX returned their rocks and returned to launch.  Where a commemorative PIC was taken at launch with an angle towards the Harris Teeter.  My bad again.

Recover, Recover

All in All something was accomplished today and no PAX were injured during the workout.

Announcements:  PAX Drebin is arranging a Western NC F3 Hurricane Relief cleanup.  Please reach out to Drebin or Toby for more information.  The date is likely Jan. 10th with an overnight stay.

Prayers: PAX Grenade’s daughter for healing from a recent injury.  All aging PAX parents.  PAX dealing with injuries.  1st Responders and their families.  The upcoming Presidential inauguration and the state of our country.

Moleskin: Hopefully Shaken did complete 100+ squats.  PAXs Sudz, Einstein, and Hacker joined for Coffeeteria post workout.  NCAA playoff footbal was the biggest topic of conversation. Enjoy the bowl games. Happy New Year to all.
