Last running of the General 2018 style

9 men were not afraid of melting at a dark, wet version of the General, the last of 2018.


10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC

The Thang:

4 sets of 3 exercises done to (12) 4-count reps. Each set has one chest exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, you run a lap around the parking lot.
1.  Merican, Squat, LBC
2.  CDD, Monkey Humpers, Crunchy Frog
3.  Incline Merican, Jump Squat, Low Flutter
4.  Decline Mercian, Lunges, Dying Cockroach

Merican Time Bome  6>1 

Head to the Rockpile

Curls 10 IC
Skull Crushers 10 IC
Bent over rows 10 IC
Overhead presses 10 IC
Repeato x 2

Squats 10 IC
Lunges 10 IC

Mosey home for Mary

Rosalita – Deep Dish
Pretzel Crunch – Magnus
Side V ups – Jersey Boy
WWII sit ups – Elmers

Lots of mumblechatter this morning.  The PAX were not happy with the decision to do core exercises on the cold, wet ground.  

Eeyore had some GI issues that were an unwelcome addition at the rockpile.  He also chose what had to be the biggest rock in the pile.  Damn, that thing was heavy…

8 stayed for Coffeteria afterward.  Kudos to the MQ for continuing to provide.  However, the lights went off about 1/2 way through again.  Pay the bill already!

Thanks to Magnus for the opportunity to Q, and to the resolute group of men that
showed this morning.  Happy New Year to all!