Last Sharknado of 2022

11 Pax got it done as we closed out 2022 together in style @ #TheEstate:

Disclaimer/Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Imperial Storm Trooper x20 (40)

-Toy Soldier x20 (40)

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

-‘Mericanator (5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide) OYO x15


Mosey to Checkpoint 2 for the pain known as the SHARKNADO. Each exercise and each lap = .10 point (1 full round = 1 point). Reapeato as many times as possible in 25 min:

-15 burpees

1 lap (i.e. down and back to last basketball goal)

-20 diamond ‘Mericans

1 lap

-20 ‘Mericans

1 lap

-20 wide ‘Mericans

1 lap

-20 WW II’s

1 lap

Most Pax finished at least 2.5 rounds, some made it to 3. Turnpike was the rule follower and actually ran long laps vs a lap to the last basketball goal and back so we’ll crown his as grand champion of Sharknado for that.

Mobility Moment


Then to the wall for:

-B2W-all Pax up and hold until the last man comes down. For Pax who submit before the last man, plank as they wait. Crocs was the winner, but Toxic gave him some tough competition taking silver. Snake Eyes took the bronze.



Mosey to Checkpoint 3 and get rocks (IC):

-curl x20 (40)

-overhead press x20 (40)

-bent over row x20 (40)

-skull crusher x20 (40)

-chest press x20 (40)

-rock the block glute bridge x20 (40)

-windshield wiper x15 (30)

Rocks up


Dry Rub and Magnus/Toxic did a quick Mary of (IC):

-J-Lo x15 (30)

-Dot the i crunch


Mosey back to base/Checkpoint 1/base

Recover, Recover


Prayer Requests:

-Remember Pax who recently lost a parent. Also, remember UltraMan, The Force, Jorel and Toby in this area too regarding caregiving, health issues, and/or aging parents.

-Remember Carpetbagger’s father who is sick and also grieving the recent lost of Carpetbagger’s mother.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.

-Intentional commitment from all Pax to help EH those who haven’t posted in a while who may get back at it in early 2023, or FNG’s who may be curious about F3 who may start posting. #just1

Elmers-Friend Brian in Pittsburg who has possible cancerous spots on lungs. More tests to follow.


I have never Q’d a Sharknado. Actually, I haven’t even participated in one since my first week of F3. It should be noted that I showed up at two different AO’s my first week and both did Sharknado (ouch). Somehow I kept posting. My motivation must have been the dope name that 66 and Tantrum gave me of “Toby” :o)

Thanks to Camelback for lending me the keys today. He’s probably one of the smoothest MQ’s in all of the Isotope. 

Toxic avoided Mighty Jungle to save himself from burpees, then he experienced YHC’s Sharknado. He crushed it though, so who would’ve known?

It was good seeing Dry Rub and Magnus posting again. They dove in the deep end and picked right back up where they left off with ease.

It was great seeing Carpetbagger. We know it’s been a tough season for you bro. We’re all here for you. 

Crocs is one of the HIM’s on my list for 2022. Great job brother.

Snake Eyes is silent, but deadly. There is nothing that guy can’t do. Always strong.

Tantrum resisted the temptation to leave after Excelsior, but made the decision to stay (because we blocked his car during Warmarama). Glad he stuck around and participated in the festivities. He enjoyed some NIN flashbacks from his college days after hearing them on the playlist.

Turnpike is a beast. I think he got an A+ today. YHC wished he had the mojo that he has at AO’s. He seemed to like YHC’s playlist too, especially Drivin’ N’ Cryin’. He may be adding them to his playlis soon. He also told YHC that he needed to dial back the workouts. Is…that…a…compliment…or…?

Elmers posted for the first time since the break, but you couldn’t even tell it, because he just kept going like the Energizer Bunny.

Kudos to Turnpike and Crocs who did a triple down today from 5-8am.

Kudos to Snake Eyes, Tantrum, Camelback, and YHC who did a double down from 6-8am.

I had a great time with you gents this morning. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, etc.)