Late Risers Still Managed to Post AND Brought an FNG on Memorial Day

Event Date

May 30, 2022

First, no matter where we post or what time we post, we remember and lift up the men and women and their families and friends who gave their lives fighting to protect the freedoms and beliefs of millions of people they would never know or meet, for generations and generations following their death.  YHC could never know the courage of these amazing men and women.

T-Claps to Happy Gilmore for the idea of Qing a late start, non full Murph as he wanted a workout and wanted one with the pax, but his knees weren't up to the task of the Murph.  YHC felt the same as YHC continues to nurse a back injury.  So as we sat poolside, ate and drank too much, the "late start" of 7AM became 8AM…  Then Happy traded beer for water and got into a viscious pickleball tourney.  YHC stuck with beer and cheered him on.  By the end, Happy decided not to Q but was still a SC for posting, so YHC took the reigns.  Also while consuming beers and playing pickleball, our neighbor Ralph was the recipient of a well played EH by YHC.  Ralph was still putting down beers and playing ball when YHC headed home, but Ralph was waiting on me in the parking lot at 0750 this morning!

So a total of 10 saw the mid-day off-time PB and fought off whatever ailments they had to post at The Sword.  Here's kinda what went down…

Disclaimer and announcement that running can be cut short by any on the IR, skipped altogether, or replaced with wheels (Happy Gilmore).

Snake mosey up the parking lot to the top with butt kickers, high knees, karoke.  Warm-o-rama of the usual kind at the top.

Small Murph"ish" stuff to start:

5 pull-ups

10 Merkins

15 Squats



Lap (or a ride if you so please)

Back to the top – every grab a block.

Various block work in cadence such as shoulder press, skull crushers, chest press, curls (Colt-45 compliments of TopGun) then some PT for YHC where we did very slow dead lift with blocks, 1 vertebrae at a time, stretch at the bottom, then slow back up.  Repeato of that one for YHC's back.  Finally some lawn mowers.

Blocks back, mosey down to the bottom of the AO where YHC's big, long, thick, black….  rope awaited.

MWAR (Mary With A Rope).  All pax took a turn on the rope and all took a turn calling a Mary exercise.  A few followed the 10 count rule.


Memorial Day Moleskine:

As YHC walked to the AO from home carrying my big, long, thick, black… rope – YHC wondered if any pax would show.  Well FNG Ralph was there waiting for me!  Then YHC worried it would be an awkward 2-some for the FNG, then the pax rolled in.  Awesome showing by the pax and t-claps to the men who worked hard, memorialized the fallen, prayed hard and showed Ralph what F3 truly is about.

Great to have Toby back in the gloom.  Remember you may be an only child, but you have a LOT of brothers here for you.  We all call you "Brother", brother.

Welcome home Ultraman!  Don't care if you brought some 'rona back with you – just no monkey pox please!

T-claps to Toxic for starting the memorializing of fallen in COT.  Great message and reading of Abe Lincoln's letter to the mother of 5 fallen soldiers.  Then excellent participation by many in the pax lifting up fallen soldiers they served with.  Top Gun shared one, Ultraman shared one, feels like one other did, and FNG Ralph who served 21 years in the US Air Force lifted up what he described as "too many to name one" friends he knew.

That's it.  That's the BB.  The Force is OUT.
