Lazy Dora in the spotlight at Hollywood

18 men showed for a full serving at Hollywood.  Here's the menu:


The Burpee
15 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
15 Cotton Pickers IC
15 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Merkins IC

The Thang:

Mosey to street

Deep Dish Death March around block and back to ramp. Last man drops and does 5 Merkins before sprinting to front. Pace was set by Outlaw. YHC was quickly reminded that I was off pace.

Dora's lazy, evil cousin:

100 merkins, 200 LBC's, 300 squats

Round 1:
Partner 1 Merkins x 10 while partner 2 planks, switch at 10, and repeato until they reach 100.  Run lap up ramp and back down to starting point.

Round 2:  
Partner 1 LBC's x 20 while partner 2 holds legs out at 6", switch at 20 count, and repeato until they reach 200.  Lap up ramp and back.

Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats x 30 while partner 2 does Al Gore, switch at 30 count, repeato until 300 reps.  Lap up ramp and back.

People's chair + airpresses x 20

After all those squats, a Mosey to the rock pile for some upper body work was in order.

Full curls x 15
Skull crushers x 15
Shoulder press x 15
Merkins x 10

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Crunchy Frog 
Dying Cockroach
J Low
Makhtar N'Diayes (Pronunciation: MAC-tar JIE for those who are wondering…) Apparently my count was slower here than the rest of the workout.  Must be my 
age catching up with me…
The W

Recover, recover

Thanks to Waffle House for reminding me to have everyone grab their rocks during upper body work. Strong work from Foghorn Leghorn.  He didn't take the smaller rock when offered.  Well done!  
I think Beetlejuice grabbed the boulder normally reserved for Uncle Rico; Outlaw somehow dodged getting that when we switched.

Reminder about Super Steve ALS walk this Saturday 4/29.  7 am converge, 9 am walk.  See website for full info.

Thanks to Holiday for the opportunity to Q this morning, and to the great group of guys that
showed.  It's a blessing to be able to get up and lead.

In attendance but not on list "The Magnificent".

Deep Dish