Leaderless, Rudderless, Talentless, and Fearless. . .


OK, here's the deal: there was no preblast. But it's Man Maker Monday so you know people are going to show up. I showed up. Thirteen other pax showed up. We were not deterred by the lack of notice. The show will still go on. Surely the Q just forgot to preblast or they forgot the hashtags and we missed it on Slack. But no. We were pax on a ship without a captain, without an engine, without a rudder. . .drifting towards a coral reef that would certainly spell our demise. 

But then we rallied. Your humble correspondent stepped up to the big wooden wheel and took the conn, making up for a lack of ability with an abundance of unjustified confidence. The rudder was repaired. The mainsails were set. All we needed was the focused breath of 14 crewmen to fill the sails and our course would be corrected, our destination fulfilled. And thus, this happened: 


  • Goose Steps
  • Pirate Ship Rides
  • Girl Fights
  • Running
  • Armageddon
  • Karate Kids w/Bells
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Little Baby Flutter Crunch Presses
  • Lying Pullovers 
  • More Running
  • Praying Mantis
  • Sheryl Sandbergs (Lean Ins)
  • Wall Climbers
  • Even More Running
  • Dance-Off Mary's
  • Other Things Best Forgotten


We trusted Outlaw to lead the Circle of Trust and he did not disappoint. Coffeeteria at Starbucks 28 was well attended, with lively conversation including details of the mechanics of Stromboli's hip, the necessity of watering lawns, and lots of golf talk that eventually drove YHC to uncharacteristically not be the last one to leave. 

Thanks for the leadership opportunity and the good company, gentlemen! Cobra Kai has been dutifully reminded of his Master Q responsibilities and promises to ensure that future workouts aren't left drifting at sea.