Lear was Lear, and other happenings

FNG 1 is Stephen – Mackinaw's son in law

Sledgehammer is not registered.  He was there. 

Running and rucking ensued – or so I was told.  #fakenews

We took the long route around the Fort Knox-like barrier that protects Stumpy Creek Park from terrorists, riff raff, coronavirus, and Bermuda grass encroachment.   Arrived at the shovel flag for a pledge (lemon scented) delivered by Crack. 

Mosey down the road with a pause atop a high spot and the Pax was asked to commit it to memory.  

To the COP where the disclaimer was given per F3 bylaws. 
COP – all in cadence, counts were random 

  • SSH 
  • IST
  • CPMC
  • Toy Soldier

Mosey to the Bus parking area


Elevens –  run up to that previously recalled spot atop the hill, perform 10 burpees, run back down and perform one Crunchy Frog (Crack demonstrated).   Continue the pattern in flip flop order, always adding up to 11).   This took the better part of a half hour so YHC didn't have to do much thinking. Lots of complaining though. 

Mosey to baseball parking lot.   On low wall, 

  • Incline Merkin X11 IC
  • 10 box jumps
  • Decline Merkin x8 IC
  • 10 box jumps


Grav a coupon from the drain pile and line up at hill for a nice Jacobs Ladder.    Carry your coupon up the hill and do a Turkish Getup.  Descend.    Rinse and Repeat up to seven getups.  Lear didn't like the mumble chatter so he got his disc man and speaker to blast some classic rock.   Not bad. 

Zamporini the coupons until the men in tights began to dance.   I knew they would.   A round of skull crushers to finish. 

Return to the starting line.   Pax were asked for one last round of 11.  Run to brown sign for 10 frogs, back to cars for a burpee.  


  • Mason Twist
  • WWII
  • J-Lo



  • This document is under executive privilege.  Your subpoenas are powerless
  • Rene's Sweet Treats already put Panera's customer service to shame
  • Suppoet Abby K at the Beerlab on Saturday 
  • Swamp Fox
  • FNG Stephen is a nice kid.  Smiled the whole time.  Thanks Mackinaw for the EH
  • Thabks Shambala for the keys.  Everybody should Q this dynamic AO
  • There were tights.   And a little too much visible scrotum


LW out