Leaven It All on the Asphalt

Event Date

Jan 13, 2024


2 Saturday Kotters re-opened SVU Saturdays with a cardio circuit. Great seeing Shirley again and catching up. Hard to count while chatting. Many counts ended up being estimates LOL. Here’s how it went down.

Warm Up: SSH, windmills, arm circles, push ups, alt lunges, dippy bird
P.Lot fun: butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, high skips

go get a block

5 x Circuit
– 10 push ups
– 15 squats
– 10 block curls
– tree sit + 40 ankle touches
– 10 block presses
– 20 sitting knees to chest
– 20 SSH

block back
Big Hill run
Mary: bird dog, long step stretches, Freddie Mercury’s, maybe some other stuff…

Reflection: Luke 12: 1b-3
[Jesus speaking] “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.”
* hypocrisy is the act of doing something that you have criticized others for doing…pride and self-righteousness can fuel hypocrisy
* Pharisees said they were helping others to be righteous, but they were a “stumbling block,” wrongly aligning actions and deeds with earning salvation righteousness.
* “leaven of the Pharisees” threw me for a bit of a loop, but leaven/yeast needs only a little to have a big impact, so I internalized as meaning a little bit of hypocrisy can cause a big failing in our ministry to/with others.
* How are you doing as a leader of your family? a leader of friends? a leader at work? Do your words and actions align with your beliefs? If not, people will see right through your actions and words, and you will likely have a negative impact on those around…perhaps turning others off to Christ, and His salvation.

* Big Hill run yielded a Rudy and ClickBait sighting. Apparently, ClickBait ran his longest run ever…18 miles. Verrrry Niiiice! They looked pretty fresh and happy considering. Ready for more, perhaps?
* Tommy Lee appeared during Mary, sporting the bright lime green goodness. He’s always so encouraging and joyful. 🙂
* After some scheduling challenges in December, it was really great to catch up with Shirley. Welcome to join us but reach out to us first. Between his work and my gf trips to GA, we do not meet on a regular, every week schedule.

As always, it was an honor to lead,
