“Leaving it all out there” at the Viking

16 PAX Enjoyed a full body Viking beatdown from the outgoing Master Q on this cold and starry morning. As is the custom, exercises were decided on the fly.

x = in 4 count cadence

Run, backwards run, high knees, karoke to warm-o-rama.


  • SSH x 25
  • Mtn Climbers x 25
  • Windmill x 20
  • CDD x 15
  • 1 minute invisible jump rope


Mosey to concession building

  • 1:45 people's chair
    • ankle touches x 15
    • air shoulder presses x 14

Mosey to picnic benches

  • Dips x 20
  • Step ups, 10 each leg OYO
  • REPEATO 3 times

Mosey to rock pile and grab non-traveling rock

  • Curls x 10
  • Shoulder Press x 10
  • Squats x 10 (facing uphill! thanks Outlaw!)
  • Move 3 rocks to right
  • REPEATO 3 times

Mosey to tennis courts (lighted!)

  • Run Suicides, every line (there were 14)
  • Crab walk to end of first court, 5 LBCs, run back
  • Bear Crawl to end of second court, 10 LBCs, run back
  • Run to end of third court, 15 LBCs, run back
  • Plank
  • Broad jump burpees to end of first court, 20 LBCs, run back
  • Lunges to end of second court, 25 LBCs, run back
  • Run to end end of third court, 30 LBCs, run back

Mosey back to parking lot for MARY


  • Rosalita x 25


  1. A feisty group as always at North Meck Park. It is certainly "gratifying" as a Q to receive "instant feedback" from the PAX on exercise selection. Hahaha.
  2. Thanks so much to all for their leadership in running workouts as my travel (and some laziness) has kept me away for long stretches. Special thanks to Hippie and Stromboli as my "go-to" guys for last second Q needs.
  3. Ran out of time for 2 old school favorites…indian run and cacka-lacka-choo-choo.
  4. Lincoln was also in attendance, but name not in drop down. 
  5. WD = Stromboli, WB = Moop Dog