Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Warm up:Mosey around parking lot. KidRock was coming in hot. We circle upArm Circle Windmill SSH Quick Feet Mosey to Weatherstone neighborhood Oakbranch LanePartner Up. Complete 100 repsP1 MerkinWhile P2 run up the hill then back. Flapjack P1 CCDWhile P2 run up the hill then back. Flapjack P1 Jump SquatsWhile P2 run up the hill then back. Flapjack We mosey back to parking lot Pass and BurpeePartners passing a ball back and fourth to each other until P1 reach 5 burpees. Flapjack. Repeato, 2nd round we did 10 Burpees.P1 Ball Mason Twist AMRAP whileP2 ran around parking lot. Flapjack. We mosey behind the school. P1 placed the ball between knee and does knee up on pull bar 10 OYO whileP2 AMRAP Dips then flapjack. Repeato 20 OYO while P2 AMRAP Derkins. Flapjack P1 20 OYO Ball WWII Sit Up while P2 AMRAP Step up. Flapjack. Back to parking lot Plank Walk left/right 10 Mountain Climber Plank Walk right/leftMixed of Mary:Ring of FireEach pax bear crawl around the circle while other did exercise of Merkin, Plank, Burpee, LBC, Superman, ??? sound off here.Recover, Recover.Great work this morning. Prayers to Darth Visor.Always check your six.F3 Dad this coming Saturday Oct 6 at Barnette Elementary school 7am. Q by Dingo.Moses comment while running up hill ” Feels like BRR training again” are you saying LKN Basin Run has no hills?Kidrock couldn’t stay for COT. Must be early flight to Singapore or China.Omega’s best friend was there, Good job Bailey! October Fission Q Schedule 11th Atlas18th HatTrick 25th Wonder Bread – VIRGIN QNovember Fission Q Schedule 1st Titan8th Hippie15th Amen22nd It’s Thanksgiving Day29th OPENThank ya’ll for coming out. It was an honor to lead you guys.