Left turns only at the Foundry

NASCAR inspired – all turns were to the left, we "ovaled-up" and turned the parking lot into a tri-oval

Warm Up

Parking lot mosey (three laps – Carioki, High Knees, Butt Kickers)

Oval Up



Peter Parker X10 IC

Mountain Climbers X10 IC

The Thang

Go Get Blocks

Do two laps on the overhead and parallel bars

Grab a block and go back to parking lot

Tri Oval (5 laps) 

  • Grab a partner you don’t know
  • Turn 1 – Pull Up & Knee Ups (Start with 10, work your way down to 5, decreasing one each lap)
  • The Straight Away (sort of) F2 Mosey with information sharing (Yellow Flag Pace)
  • Turn 2 – High Five Mericans (X10) / PartnerHold Situp (X10)
  • Turn 3 – Partner 1 – Farmer/Overhead Carry with block(s) mini lap Partner 2 – Planks
  • The Home Stretch – Jail Break back to turn 1 (Green Flag Pace)


JLo X15 IC

Freddy Mercury X15 IC

Low Flutter X15 IC

Pickle Pounders X10 IC – led by Ty Webb – since it seems to be one of his favorites!
