Leg Day

CB, CE, and myself ran a muddy 3 mile standard. Greenway was soaked but always worth it running with these two. 

The Thang:

Wall sits and merkins because its ski season.

We did 4 rounds of:
25 step ups each leg
25 KB squats
25 WW2s

Then we did 3 sets of pull ups and lunges.

The pax then begged to run sprints so we did and nobody came close to merlot.

Am-Pam crushed the entire work out. You want this guy at your AO because he always pushes the pace. 

Sonic is really fast! He definitely lived up to his name today.

Tammy is a Dragon Slayer regular now and is a total beast.

Cousin Eddie is officially a Boat Guster after ditching Fission for Dragon Slayer! I feel honored.

Bijoux made things look easy as usual. Another Fission ditcher and it was awesome to have him!

Slingshot is fast! But not as fast as Sonic. Also, Liverpool sucks again.

Huge thanks to Cherry Bomb for MQing Dragon Slayer for over 2 years and for making Am-Pam the new MQ. 

Jobe is back next week and has the Q!

Until tomorrow,

EnRon Burgandy!?!?