Leg Day at Arnie’s

Event Date

Sep 21, 2020

9 Arnie's warriors showed for leg day at Arnie's. Extra credit to Auto and Turncoat for a 3 mile Standard


SSH x25

Imperial Storm Troopers x 25

Windmills x 15

Arm Circles

The Squat x 10

The Thang

20 step-up each leg

20 dips

20 heel raises each leg

20 merkins

20 slow squats



Run a lap/Mosey to the blocks

12 squat-to-press

15 front lunges each leg

15 back lunges each leg

15 goblet squats

15 mountain climbers

Run a lap



10 burpees

15 curls

15 lawnmowers each arm

15 jump squats

Run a lap



MARY by committee

Merkins (Auto)

Low flutter (Tagless)

WW2 sit-ups (Tuffy)

Boxing sit-up (Bagboy)

WW2 sit-ups (Slingshot)

Mason twist (Turncoat)

Boxcutter and Cutterbox (Beetlejuice)

Ran out of time before Poptart's burpeees….


Felt really good to Q for the first time in several years. Thanks for pushing me a bit, TC!

We only did half the squats of the Murph but it felt like more. Especially by this afternoon. Not sure practice makes perfect but hopefully makes better….

Great to see Poptart at a beatdown – thanks for coming, especially after a tough hike on Saturday.

Good to have the Berean Pax come by for a few reps!

Glad to hear the comment about breaking a sweat at a leg work-out – mission accomplished!

That reverse boxcutter of Beetle's was a real challenge. Usually gravity is my friend

Need to take off the Q hat a little earlier after getting to work. Told several patients to give me flutter kicks today. Seriously

As always, a pleasure to work-out with the Arnie's Crew!  Until next time – Perrier