Leg Day at TMO (or something like it)

Disclaimer and WarmUp

Standard WarmUp Thangs (SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, etc.)


Partner Up

Partner Stations –

Partner 2 does the 2nd exercise until Partner 1 has completed.  Flapjack and Repeato.

AMRAP for 8 minutes at each station

  1. 50 – Mountain Climbers    &    Wall Sits/Al Gore’s
  2. Bunny Hops Down and Back – 3 Rounds    &    Air Squats
  3. Bear Crawl Down and Back    &    Hot Hands/In-Out PushUps
  4. 25/15 World War 2 SitUps    &    Over-Head Claps
  • Pulse Squats, and run 3/4 of a lap after each round

Burpees between the Balls – SSHs while you wait your turn

Mary – Low Flutters, W’s, LBCs, BamBams


Nekid Moleskin:

Welcome FNGs Russ and Aaron.  Both are neighbors in Vermillion, and both put in work this morning.  Aaron will be at The Foundry on Friday,  come see earn his nickname.  Stay tuned to find out when and where Russ will take down his second post. 

Dikta snuck out of River Run and made it into TMO.  A great suprise to start a Wednesday.  TClaps for coving the 6 this AM.  Great example of "I am Third" in action. 

I'm worried about Swing State.  His improved fitness seems to have unleashed a monster.  I mena, if he gets any stronger, he's going to need a new group to work out with.  Out front from start to finsih!!! Great job.   

Lots of men out for the Standard I Pre-Blasted and then didn't show up for.  I know Amen and Sweet C got their miles in.  Any others, sound off below. 

Olaf and Rocket were the only 2 in the parking lot when I got there.  Not sure 

A sincere apology to Flo, my partner this AM.  I called him OStar all morning.  It wasn't until Mary when I realized he and Ostar are infact seperate people. Sorry brother.  I'll bring name tags next time. 

BamBam did his thing this AM.  BamBams are his thing.  He did those. 

Funky Town, GrapeApe, Tiramisu, and Code Blue were quick, Schneider audibled,  Capone, GangGreen, Dryhop, and MaryJane got their sweat on, and Magnus keeps the EHing going!!!

The story depicted above is only what I can remember.  Im sure there were plenty of great moments missed.  Put em in the comments!!!!