Leg Day (Crowd Pleaser)

Event Date

Oct 18, 2016


Nine men brightened the gloom of the SVU parking lot unknowing walking into a situation that would result in the hatred of stairs or seating the remainder of the day.  Yes, it's Leg Day.  Always a crowd pleaser!


10IC Mtn Climbers straight into 15IC Tony Hawkes (weird transition but with practice think it will work)


Parking Lot Work:

Karaoke Left up parking lot; mosey back

Backwards run up parking lot; mosey back

Karaoke Right up parking lot; mosey back

Butt Kickers up parking lot; mosey back

The Thang:

Leg Pyramid; each round building on the previous with 100 yard hill run after each round.  All OYO

Round 1:  25 squat jumps 

Round 2:  25 fire hydrants each leg plus previous round

Round 3:  25 In-place lunges each leg plus previous rounds

Round 4:  25 Jane Fonda's (side leg lifts) each leg plus previous rounds

Round 5:  10 one legged Glute bridge thrusts each leg plus previous rounds 

Remaining subsequent rounds digress back down the pyramid.  For a total of:

225 squat jumps

175 fire hydrants each leg

125 lunges each leg

75 Jane  Fondas each leg

10 Glute bridges each leg

approximately 0.9 miles of hill sprints

No Time for 6MOM, sorry to disappoint gents!


Not much chatter today.  Q actually had to stir the pot to get the group going.  Dandilion wins the "chatter of the day" award.  Sound off on the comments.


Proverbs 27:1-2

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.  Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips.

We all have the tendency to practice vanity.   Let's face it, we are humans with selfish ambitions let if allowed can get in the way of building others to their fullest potential.  The nice words or actions we provide someone else may be the only form of gratitude they may receive all day or all they may need to change the course of their day. 

It was an honor to lead.  Have a safe and enlightening day.
