Leg Day was a Ruse

7 men rolled out of their trucks, cars, and SUVs to greet the day to invade North Meck Park and seize the day at Viking.  This may vaguely resemble their story:

In addition to the promised "leg day", YHC invoked an old Goat standard — the Merican timer.  10 Mericans in cadence every 5 minutes…

Parking lot mosey with high knees, butt kickers, lunge walk, side shuffle, and Carioca (this is how it's spelled, Kingfish)

Merican timer

SSHx25, IST, CP, WM, TS all x15 IC

Merican timer

Mosey to concession/bathroom area for a wall sit

Mosey to picnic area for step ups x15 each leg

Merican timer (incline)

Bulgarian split squats x10 each leg

Back to wall for wall sit and touch them heels x10 IC

Mosey to tennis courts

Merican timer

Mosey to rock pile, grab a rock, back to tennis court parking lot

Goblet squat, Dead lifts, calf raise x10 IC

Merican timer

Muhammed Ali on curb

Chest press / low flutter x10, Airborne Mindbender x?? (aka Planetarium)

Merican timer

Skull crushers (Shaken's request), curl while returning rocks

Mosey back to base

Merican timer

LBC, Low Dolly, pretzel crunch, glute bridge

Merican timer

Monkey humper (Primo request)

Recover, recover


– Much thanks to Fescue for taking good care of Viking, and I'm pleased to take the helm.  Great AO, great pax when we can get them to come out 🙂

– Fun group today — all were respects except for YHC (war baby at 44) — nice work all!  and the mumblechatter flowed from the onset and never ceased — strong chatter game!

– Smores kind of did his own thing, though he was near us the whole time.  His version of the backblast would be signficantly different — I appreciate you modifying as needed, Smores

– In spite of having an approximate plan, I try to be a benevolent Q, so did take a couple requests.  We also did some glute bridges ala Shoe, though I did keep the cadence. 

– If you're curious about the Merican count, we did about 160 — pretty good for leg day

– Thanks to Jersey Boy for keeping count through all of the chatter and to Stapler for taking us out today.  

– Canuck has the Q next week.  If you show, you may actually learn the names of some of the constellations and stars we contemplated during the Airborne Mindbender — other than Uranus.

