Leg Maker Monday

Event Date

Apr 22, 2024

4 PAX got after it on a chilly morning at MMM. Here’s what went down:



Mosey around the school stopping every .1 miles for some of the usual warm up exercises.

In the back parking lot I was clear to instruct the PAX to face the trees both directions during the side shuffles but I didn’t follow my own instructions and led Ichabod astray until Jersey Boy corrected us.

The Thang:

  • Partner up:
  • PAX 1 lunge walks around the track w/ both kettle bells while PAX 2 ran a lap. Switch and Repeato until the kettlebells did a full lap
  • 20 LBCs
  • 10 side crunches each side
  • mosey with kettle bells to back playground
  • 5 rounds of the following
  •  5 pull ups, 10 squat thrusters, 15 curls, 20 step ups (10 each leg)
  • mosey back to parking lot
  • Low flutter w/ chest press
  • mason twist
  • Jane Fonda
  • 30 second plank

recover recover 

Name o rama



– Prayers for those battling a/ Mental Illness as we heard about the shootout between police and an individual in Mooresville over the weekend

– Think about your day to day with the environment on this Earth Day today and any way you can make a small difference that can go a long way.

Nice to meet you Greyhound! Great work out there

– Always nice to see Jersey Boy, glad the rain cancelled Ultimate Frisbee yesterday which got you out there this morning

– Ichabod was fresh off his 5k PR and brought it this morning!

– Thanks Greyhound for the opportunity to lead


Until next time……. Mr. H