LEGO takes the PAX to school…We studied Math, PE and smack talking

You can't turn down the opportunity to Q the lowest carbon footprint AO in NoCo…PAX literally come out of the woodwork to flock to Mighty Oak. Always deceptive when there are 3 cars in the parking lot. We had 12 PAX this AM, more than half were already warmed up due to standards of various lengths. 

This might have been my first Q at this AO, but that didn't mean I couldn't bring out some of my old tricks. When YHC proposed the Minefield there was a little too much backtalk for my liking, so I dropped a 2X on the Burpee count. Oddly, there was less talk after that…Here is the full story…

Mosey around the school, high knees, butt kickers, carioca (I’m sure that isn’t spelled correctly), backwards, etc.
Cotton Picker x 20
Merlot Combo:
Carolina Dry Docks x 10
Mountain Climbers x 20
Merkins x 10

The Thang:
Grab a rock (look at Miller Time’s and grab one twice as big)
Curls x 15 IC
Skull Crushers x 10 IC
Curls x 15 IC
Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Mosey to the minefield:
Get a partner. Sprint to the Frisbee. Flip it. Do the number on the Frisbee x2 of Burpees.
Repeato – with Squats on Minefield.
Crunchy Frog x 20
LBC x 20
Low Flutter x 30
W x 20 
Elbow Plank until 6:15 (45 secs)
Recover, Recover…

-Prayers to IKEA and family as we cross over the 1 year anniversary of his M’s passing. We are here for you, brother.
-I still think there is something lost in translation for Miller Time when the Q says pick a “rock”. Rock must mean pebble in British.
-Good to see Denim this AM. I called him out for being a Kotter and he called BS on that…
-My man Olaf is posting 4X a week and getting strong and lean…I think I heard an SC for BRR today…
-Thanks to Ditka for the opportunity to lead. Would have been a good Q to have the suitcase speaker…