Legs Grips Abs

Event Date

Oct 12, 2017


8 men posted this morning to get better, stronger and share a few laughs in the process.  


20 SSH

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

60 Squats

20 Merkins

10 Squats


The Plan #1:  Road Work  

Quadrafillia up LBH

Summit Ridge: Alternating side shuffle – Quadrafillia back

Crepe Ridge: Skipping out – Quadrafillia back

Ash Hollow: Push/Pull drills x3

Mosey back to back playground


The Plan #2: Grip Strength work

Thing #1 – 2 exercises @ 6 rounds of each – totals were:

45 Towel Pull-ups

60 Stranded Turtles (30IC)


Thing#2 – 2 exercises + (1) PAX Farmer’s Carry w/ 64# of blocks!:

Block Squat Thrust until Farmer’s Carry returns

Stranded Turtle until Farmer’s Carry returns

(everyone gets a chance to Farmer’s Carry!!)


Reflection: “Right is Right, even if everyone is against it and Wrong is Wrong, even if everyone is for it.” William Penn  

     Today it seems people look to polls, FB or media concerning what is acceptable as right and wrong.  Some see a wrong (and know it’s wrong), but remain silent until a “breaking news” story hits the wire, then everyone comes out to support it.  But where were they in the years preceding?  The knowledge was apparently there, but not the fortitude to speak out less it could effect a career or status?  What it takes for evil to persist in the world is for good men to remain silent.  

    Integrity is black and white.


Mole Skin:

  • Welcome FNG1 – Flipper back to SVU.  Possible name change on Skipper’s next post.

  • Squat challenge at work for Oct, thanks everyone for helping me meet today’s quota.

  • Q needs to work on grip strength, so de facto, everyone gets to work on grip strength today!  Yea for everyone.

  • Dandelion crest the hill as SSH #1 is completed.  We were worried about missing you.  Glad you made it.

  • The iron cross shows up today, lots of ways to use this asset in the hood.

  • T-claps to Atlantis on the towel pull-ups

  • Where’s Fall and cooler weather????

  • Comment to M this morning “I should post more.  I always feel better when I do”.  To which M replies, “You say that every time”.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb