Legs, Legs, and Rain

Event Date

Jun 17, 2020



20 High Knee Jump OYO

10 Windmills IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the pull up bars

2 sets 10 Pull-ups and 20 deep squats OYO

Mosey to the down under bars

2 sets 15 Regular curl ups and 15 monkey humpers

Mosey to the benches 

2 sets of 20 step ups OYO and hot foot while you are waiting for your next turn

Mosey to in front of the gym

Bolt or Colt 45's which ever one is squats IC 

10 Donkey kicks OYO

10 Groiners OYO

10 Burpees OYO

2 sets of quadraphelia up the hill and back

Bastardized verson of Bolt or Colt 45's which ever one is squats IC 

10 Donkey kicks OYO

10 Groiners OYO

10 Burpees OYO

20 Jane Fondas (commie bit**es) IC

20 Fire hydrants IC

2 sets of quadraphelia up the hill and back


PAX choice only sets of 10

Jeeves- 10 WWI OYO

Shaker- 10 LBC OYO

Finkle-10 Flutter Kicks IC

Mulligan- 10 Reverse crunches IC

YHC-10 Kinda low dolley IC

Crabby Patty- 10 WWI OYO

Bertha- 10 Freddy Mercurys IC 

Boucher- 10 Merkins IC

Marker- Recover, recover, recover

Mosey back to LP for COT

1 John 5:4-5 New Living Translation (NLT)

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Thought this is a good verse for what is going on in the world right now. 


PAX let the Q run out front to go to the pull up bars just in case the skunk was around.

YHC broke to promises. Promised we would run under a mile and it wouldn't rain. We ran 1.1 miles and it rained 

Mulligan chose this over watching the 1 year old and he kinda knew what was coming

Finkle took the leap of faith and got himself a kettle bell. Can't wait to see it. 

Crabby Patty kinda slid over to the awning while it was raining. He still has a little sense. 

Great to have Jeeves and Bertha back out together. They can't play those tricks on us that way.

Thanks for letting me lead. 


