Legs, legs, legs

Event Date

Jun 25, 2019

Skinny BB

Also in attendance:  Barbarino, Cardio

0525:  assemble, meet FNG Drew (Welcome!) and Kotter Cardio (Welcome back!  Appropriately Barbarino was there  ðŸ™‚  )


warm-up:  SSH, Toy Soldier, Windmills, mosey to the green

chair hold, YHC shares that knee is better, but now shoulder is shot, perhaps due to last weeks “reverse Spider-Man up the stairs w merkin” BS from Sparknut!  He did not show until COT, perhaps knowing that I was cursing him under my breath.   workout will be all about legs and core

4 Corners:  walking lunge, mosey, Walk on toes (named Devil wears Prada forevermore by Noodle), with breaks for Mary, repeato 

mosey to neighborhood hill for quadraphelia ladder 15, 10, 5, 10, 15 squats and monkey humpers- last sets were brutal

mosey to playground for split squats and more Mary, mosey back to clubhouse

COT:  Sparknut shows up with no good excuse

introduction of FNG Drew

prayers for Cardio’s nephew at basic training and Swing State’s big week at work

many pax OOT next week, safe travels

Always a pleasure and honor to lead this fine group!   Outer Limits is great!  #molga