LEGS. LEGs. LEgs. Legs. legs.

A clean decade of men, spanning four (4) decades gathered at the legendary Brickyard, noted that the AO is now 'For Lease', pondered that for a minute or two, in anticipation of what would most likely be an enjoyable event that would most likely not shape us a little more and most likely be written up in a few hours as a Backblast.  Yeah, well none of that happened.  What DID happen would be a lovely distribution of brightly colored hats (seconds, if you will) to the PAX, who donned them quickly, as the start temp of 38 felt much closer to 35.5, per the Q.

Warm Ups (IC). COP: SSH 20, mozy, R/L/R/L karoke between curbs on side of what was TrackScan, mozy back to parking lot acrost the street, 2ndCOP (IC): IST 15, WM 10, MC's, 15, Wide grip Merkins (really wide, seriously) 7, ReguLAR Merkins 7, Diamonds 7.  SDS 10 (slow deep..), Off to The THANG:

The THANG: Legs, but you already knew that.  Five (5) sets of two (2) excercises, varying reps, all should have induced pain, fatigue, or both.

Group 1-Ratchet jumps (low, med, high-think jumps squats with increasing height….and pain) 16, Russian twists (arms straight, legs w/slight bend, off ground), rotate arms 90 degrees total, R/L/R is one, go to 16.  Rinse and repeat x 2. Mozy to Germaine Racing (pretty odd, finding a racing company near there…I mean, who'd a thunk?)

Group 2- Two feet 4 square jumps, touch all four squares is 1, go to 16.  Dips on wall, one foot up, switch at halfway 16.  Rinse and repeat x 2 (20,24 reps on dips….needed more fah-teague-aye). Mozy to well lit parking lot just shy of Ferguson's Kitchens, (stellar AO).

Group 3 (three)-Side to side hops, acrost line or over parking curb, 8 each leg.  Step overs (lift one foot OVER the height of your personal knee, then repeat with other leg, there and back is 1) 16.  Rinse and repeat x 2.  Mozy to back of TrackScan.

Group 4- Aquire brick (big one, preferably).  Single leg 'ventral' hops (front and back over a line AMDAP-unweighted)) 8 each leg. Three point squats, weighted.  Squat and touch R/Center/L. (this got old and is a HUGE time suck-note to self). Rinse and repeat x 2.

Group 4 (Omaha).  One (1) sent of brick lunges, with brick rotation (IN full lunge) to the same side as fwd. knee 16.  Time check, we out.

Mary was respectfully given some rest, we'll get back to her later.


-WD-Lear, WB-DavyCrockett

-THANKS go out to Chief, for keeping our heads warm:-)

-London mentioned and ambulation issue later that day, I felt it as well, but the second day (today) is worse.

-Lots of breathing, good.  Lots of groaning during the 3 point squats, good.  Lost track of time, bad.

-Cupcake was pinned under his dog, and therefore was not able to attend the guest Q today, but he found a way to break free of the dog vice for the next day, so he has that going for him, which is nice.

-THIS IS a leg workout, given to me by Scott Fennie, a great guy.  Use it 2-3x's prior to any ski trip, and you'll hit the bumps, jumps, steeps and deeps just a little easier.

-The Race City PAX continue to inspire, motivate, energize, make accountable, humor, push, help, banter, and pray for those around them.  This unique group of men has been like manna from heaven for me, thanks to all of you.

-Cupcake, it was a pleasure to lead, thank you.

-To all ten, thank you for being there today.  

Hummer, out.