Less is More

Event Date

Sep 22, 2018

Note: I couldn't tag Ozark in this for some reason : /


Warm UP

R over L

L over R


22 OYO Mericans

Indian Run around the parking lot


The Main Event

Circuit 1 (3 Rounds)

  • 22 OYO Mericans at the launch pad
  • Run to the tennis courts for 1 set of Suicides
  • Run to the top of the parking lot for 22 OYO LBCs
  • Run to the benches for 22 OYO Bench Steps
  • Run back to the launch pad and Rest for 30 seconds


Circuit 2 (2 Rounds)

  • Run to the benches for 22 Bench Dips
  • Run to the far side of school for 22 Box Jumps on the brick wall
  • Run around back of the school to the brick wall for 22 Wall Jumps (slackers did toe touches)
  • Run to bottom of the practice field for 2 sets of Quadraphilia
  • Run to the pull-up bar for 1 set of burnout Pull Ups
  • Run back to launch pad and Rest for 30 seconds.


The Message:

I passed around a photo I had taken several years back of what looked like a hundred or so people waiting at a checkpoint to enter into the Gaza Strip. In speaking with some of those who were waiting in line, I had learned that they had been there waiting for days – Egyptian authorities wanted them out (they are refugees) and the Israelis didn’t want them in. The short of it was that these individuals waiting in line were stateless Palestinians; they had no citizenship, no passport.


I, on the other hand, had a passport – an American passport – and I simply walked passed all of those people and walked right through the border and was able to visit my family. It was definitely one of the more challenging things I’ve ever had to do, for in that moment I felt incredibly thankful to be American but also sad that those standing in line weren’t so privileged at birth. With that said, the message was to encourage us to take a short moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to be American and to be thankful for those who have afforded such fortune to us. 


Spork closed us out in prayer.