Lesson in Circuitry

Event Date

May 24, 2017

8 Men braved the calm after the storm to see what was up at Mustang …. Abs and Shoulders that's what

Warm up


20 x Air Squared (In a peoples chair position air claps (4 count) IC

10 x low plank to high plank IC


The Thing

Partner Up for a Circuit (Q random selection) 

From Launch Pad pick a station, if you are waiting on a station for others to finish you hold a plank.

Station #1 Curb Crunches 20 x each Pax

Station #2 20 x KB Skull Crushers 30#

Station #3 Picnic tables at tennis courts 20 x Steps ups

Station #4 Curb Sit-ups 20 x each Pax

Station #5 10 x pull-ups

Station #6 20 x DownUnders

Station #7 20 x Curb Dips

Repeato until time called for Mary  total of ~ 4 laps


20 x Low flutter IC

20 x Low dolly IC

10 x Low plank knee-ups IC

10 x IC mason twists



Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


We each gave as much today as we were pushed to do so by our partner. Let us all push one another to be better, physically, spiritually while holding everyone accountable but encouraging.



       Sighs and grunts came early with air chair and low to high planks. #SorryAboutTheElbows

       Lots of good conversation at the beginning, 5:31 let’s go to work u

       After hearing reflection, lots of Pax started apologizing to their partner #funnyguys

       Hadn’t done a circuit in a while and I’ve always enjoyed them. By the end of it, the abs and shoulders were smoked and we did a fair amount of running to boot. #missionaccomplished

       Surprised with only 8 PAX this morning #notgoodenoughformustang , imagine many went  to bed late in anticipation of it pouring this morning. Guess what … We had beautiful weather, a great workout and got stronger !!