Let Them Eat Pie

17 strong (above plus Heister and Sea Biscuit and one other) posted in the humidity this morning.  We got off to a slow start, partly distracted by Spanarkel's impassioned recounting of his weekend pie eating binge in Asheville.  He remained wired up through most of the workout today leading the incessant mumble chatter as we meandered through Davidson.  Not bad for 60, brother.

The workout:

Jog to Chambers for stretching, burpees, LBCs and MT (preview of coming attractions)

Jog to Stadium for full snake, followed by more burpees, LBCs and MT

Jog to front of Baker- inclines, declines, alt step ups (choose wall height wisely), burpees, LBCs and MT (boring)

Jog to pull up bars (still there)- 10 pullups, repeato, then burpees, LBCs and MT……groaning replacing mumble chatter.  Sea Biscuit then led us in a new ab workout- Foxhole (a variation of WWII situps with airpunches at the top of the situp).

Jog back to Baker- wide and diamond inclines and declines.  More Foxholes and MT.  Jog back to Green for JLo.

COT- amazing how sweaty you can get by running around campus and doing burpees on a humid morning.  Great job by all.  Fun leading as always.  Lifted up Creeper's family, Crude, PDiddy among others.  Thanks for thoughts around my nephew Owsely Holland Khan who is almost fully recovered from a potentially dangerous eye infection- prayers work!  Have a good week all.