Let’s be accountable

Event Date

Feb 22, 2016


8 pax focused in on accountability in all 3 F's. This is their story:


Fiddy came in hot just in time to catch YHC before rolling out to grab a 1.5 mi ruck.


Picked up Etch and Earl Gray and two of Fiddy's closest friends, one a tad bit heavier than the other. Another 1.5 mi ruck later and we were ready to shed some weight.


Found Jimmy O, DDP, Tweetsie, and Achilles (need to get a login) for a partner up beatdown


SSH x 25 IC

IST x 25 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Merkin x 15 IC

The Thang:

Partner up: Partner 1 – Bear crawl; Partner 2 – 5 burpees OYO and then sprint to catch Partner 1

Flapjack and repeato until you reach Elevation Church

Partner carry back; switching as needed

SSH x 25 IC

Merkin x 15 IC

Squats x 20 IC


Homer to Marge

Low Flutter x 20 IC

Low Dolly x 15 IC

J-Lo x 15 IC

Mosey back to Madelyn's

Recover Recover

Open Heart Moleskin:

A lot of really good discussion this morning on the meaning of accountability and what that looks like in practice, not only in F3 but more importantly in life with friends and family. Being what we are, sheep that are prone to wander, accountability to others is one way that God keeps us accountable to Him. We live in such an individualistic society and culture that is so rooted in technology that we need to be in relationship; open, honest, vulnerable relationships to truly be accountable to others and for others to hold us accountable. YHC was reminded this morning that it starts internally with holding ourselves accountable. We need to have that yearning in order to seek out others. And it starts with you choosing to open up and to confront your own troubles by talking to others and in turn, listening to their troubles as both parties hold each other accountable, promoting a relationship built on checks and balances.

We talked about how every man needs three types of male relationships in their life and took analogies from three influential men in the bible:

"A Paul is an older man who is willing to mentor you, to build into your life. Not someone who's smarter or more gifted than you, but somebody who's been down the road. Somebody willing to share his strenghs and weaknesses – everything he's learned in the labroatory of life. Somebody whose faith you'll want to imitate."

"A Barnabas is a soul brother, somebody who loves you but is not impressed by you. Somebody to whom you can be accountable. Somebody who's willing to keep you honest, who's willing to say "Hey man you're neglecting your wife, and don't give me any guff!"

"A Timothy is a younger man into whose life you are building – affirming, encouraging, teaching, correcting, directing, praying."

(above courtesy of Bible.org)

We touched on justification for accountability with the chosen verses below:

1 Timothy 3:1-5

Hebrews 13:7,17

1 Peter 5:2-3, 8-9

It was awesome to see how many times we naturally reverted back to what we are doing in F3 as #ISI was a guiding principle of this morning.

Thank you Etch for the opportunity to lead a driven and open pax this morning. It is always such a pleasure to jump into the word with you fine men. #TheBerean has truly been a refreshing addition to my weekly routine and I can't thank you enough for your leadership, Etch, in driving a beatdown focused on all 3F's that finishes up in time to get to still get the kids out the door and back to work.

Thank you, as always, to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (email headlock) and to the pax for the constant motivation and encouragement. Until the next time…

Don Ho