“Let’s crowd in for a Sunset pic”

PAINinsula is one of those established AOs where there are always HIMs and good numbers of them. Dare say OGs with multiple years of experience, and combine that with hundreds of workouts per year, their own experience is easily in the thousands for the number of workouts completed. So it’s a great AO to Q, however I in particular take the challenge of trying to find new ambiances to bring to the workout. Trying to come up with those is the personal challenge. So on this particular GLOOM, YHC tried 4 corners but starting the count with a High number of reps just to add an ambient. Also, YHC brought back the slinky. Trying these new ambients always brings humor because of the fact that the OGs are not used to them, nor expecting them so it turns into a scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz situation with PAXs saying, “Which way do I go?” It adds for confusion, humor and of course mumble chatter… somehow, in some way the workout gets done 🤷🏼‍♂️. Today it went something a little like the below.

Mosey to the square around Gazebo 

Warm O Roma: Shoulder rotations forward and backwards, neck rolls right and left, SSH IC X 20, slow windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15, IST IC X 15 

Run the square: Right side – forward mosey, Top side – side strattle left, Left side – backwards peddle, Bottom side – side strattle right, repeato

4 corners: 1st corner = 40 LBCs, 2nd corner = 30 squats, 3rd corner = 20 curb Mericans, 4th corner = 10 Carolina dry docks. Then reverse the order 

*Slinky ladder: Top of ladder exercise = SSH, Bottom of ladder exercise = CDD. *With a slinky ladder, the count doesn’t start until the six gets to either the top or bottom. 11 count ladder, so descending SSH starting with 10, versus ascending count with CDDs starting at 1. Keep going until the count reverses.

Mosey between buildings for

Walls and benches: praying Mantis IC X 10, then replace hands 2 bricks down for 2nd set. Step Ups OYO X 10 ea leg, bench dips OYO X 10. Repeato but decrease count to 5.

Mosey to cover near launch for

Mobility: on your 6 for – pretzel crunches IC X 10 ea side, dieing cockroach IC X 10, catchers pose with 5 sec. hold with one arm raised, Strom led crunchy frog

Circle Up: reverse lunges X 5 ea leg, Accelerater 

Announcements: Community cleanup at Smithville Park.

Prayers: Peggy for valve surgery. Robertson family on loss of their son Captain John Robertson 

Was a privilege to lead at this fine AO 👊🏼
