Let’s Earn Those HDHH Beers

Awesome evening @ Night Ranger where the PAX really earned their HDHH beers and reclaimed the Trivia Crown as well. Successful night by all accounts.


Mosey up the parking deck to the top with backwards run, side steps, butt kickers, and high knees.


SSH IC x 20

IST IC x 20

Squats IC x 20

Merkins IC x 10

Run Down 1 level for Partner Exercises 1:

Exercise 1: Partner Merkin Dips. Partner 1 does dips on ledge with feet on back of Partner 2 who does a merkin after PArtner 1 does dip. Single Count x 10 each and flapjack.

Run Down 1 level for Partner Exercise 2 aka Teabagger

Teabagger: Partner 1 is does incline merkin on top railing of ledge. Partner 2 has feet over shoulders and does shoulder press after incline merkin. SC x 10 each and flapjack. 

Run Down 1 level for Burpee Bomb

YHC does 1 Burpee then go around circle and everyone does one. Then 2, 3, 4, and end @ 5.

Partner Wheelbarrow down 1 level then run all the way down for Partner Exercise 3: 

Partner 1 does people's chair while Partner 2 runs up 1 level for MARY exercise then runs back and flapjack. 


  1. 20 LBCs
  2. 30 Low Flutters
  3. 20 Low Dolly's
  4. 10 WWII Sit-Ups

Lung Walk up the stairs to top of the deck.

  • Inch Worm Merkins down to arrow
  • Plank walk down to arrow flip and go down to other arrow
  • Broad Jump to down to next level
  • Crab Walk down to arrow
  • I think we did 10 count here?
  • Bear crawl down to next level

All the way back up and repeato

MARY @ Bottom

  • Homer to Marge
  • Low Dolly IC x 20 up to marge
  • Low Flutter IC x 20 up to marge
  • Plank Jacks IC x 20
  • Pank for 1 minute
  • DONE


  1. As you can tell YHC forgot his plan and left his weinke in the car. This was off the cuff. By the amount of sweat and heavy breathing and text from Silverbullet's FNG I think we still had a good time.
  2. Thanks for opportunity to Q Silverbullet. Hope to be back again soon.
  3. We took back the trivia crown with a dominating performance at HDHH. Good times.
  4. Welcome newest Isotopian, Shutterfly. Hope he comes back after last night.