Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

Event Date

Jan 12, 2019


FNG-1 is Hooper

20 IC Mtn Climbers
20 IC Windmills
20 IC Tony Hawks
20 IC Copperhead Squats
Road Work:
Indian Run from the AO to the clubhouse/pool: last in line hands the football & cones to the pax in front of him and drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
At the Clubhouse:
Parking lot: 4 cones, one in each corner of the parking lot; one pax in the center with the football; one pax sprints from one cone to the next while catching the football, then throws it back once at the next cone.
Other pax are at the other parking lot: karaoke down the parking lot and Mosey back (repeat) until each pax completes 2 x around 4 football cones.
Run around the clubhouse, then Indian Run return to the AO.
The Workout (3 rounds):
As the timer, 1 pax runs up LBH (Crepe Ridge; left from AO), 3 Burpees at the top, then back to the AO.
Stations are:
  – Box the Heavy bag (14 oz boxing gloves optional)
  – Cinder block Colt 45s
  – Block rows
– WWIs
– Flutter Kicks
– Heals to Heaven
– Dr. Ws.
Job 12:12
Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.
– Shared that I was thinking about signing up for the Toughman contest in WV, the only state that still has it.  Then, realized it would not be a good decision, since there are few rules and many things that can and do go wrong.  If I wasn't smart enough to make that decision, the WV state atheletic commission is, and set the age limit at 39.  With age I think we better determine how we should be spending our time and why we spend time on the things we do.  