Missing Pax above = BandWagon. Not sure he will ever create an F3 Isotope Account.
Dedicated this workout to Olive and Christina, and literally used their names as the guidance system for this workout. Our hearts remain heavy for Olive and his family, but that will not stop us from coming together and lifting each other and his family up through fitness, fellowship and faith.
Warmorama – Mosey around lot and then grab KBs to circle up.
The Thang – Used the first letter of Christina and Olive's names to define each exercise to do. Goal was to get through both names by 0615. Mission accomplished and the Pax rocked it today! I incorporated a few new ones from the F3 Exercise list to change things up a bit. Triple Nickle did us well…or bad.
C = Chumbaburpees (normally this is done to the Chumbawamba song, but this time I changed it up. This time to "Let's Get Ridiculous" – a favorite for Christina and Olive to dance to). SSH then every time they say "let's get ridiculous" we do a burpee. 20 total Burpees. Then mosey to woods
H = Hanging Toe Touch X 10 OYO – Mosey back to KBs
R = Ring of Fire – KB Curls, KB Shoulder Press, Skull Crushers (done during the entire song – "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash)
I = Indian Run
S = Suicide Ladder – KB Swings at Starting line run to assigned curb per Qs choice, and back for KB swings. Going up by five each round (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)
T = Triple Nickel – Run up hill 5 merkins, down hill, then 5 KB thrusters. Repeato 5 times – "Centuries" – Fallout Boy (an Olive favorite)
I = Imperial Walker
N = Newton's Cradle – plank, extend R arm out to right, back down, repeat with left. YHC called Up and Down. This was harder than expected. "Til I Collapse" Eminem (another Olive favorite)
A = American Hammer – AKA the Russian Twist w/KB X 10IC. Remember, Rocky did beat the Russian.
O = One Legged Burpees X 15 OYO ("Lose Yourself" – Eminem)
L = Lion Kings with KB X 15 OYO
I = Inch Worm – to median and walk back (or if you are Scrappy – walk on your hands back – show off)
V = V-Ups X 10IC (mine may have looked more like a W)
E = Elf On The Shelf with KB X 10 Each Arm ("Harder to Breathe" Maroon 5) – this song was very fitting at this point.
Put KBs back mosey to front.
Mary – Rapid Freddie Mercuries – Recover, Recover
- Thanks to BamBam for letting me Q this bad boy. It's been a while since I have posted or Q'd here, so appreciate the push to do so. Now, you need to Q TheMightOak 🙂
- No thanks to Bam Bam for NOT letting me know where the KB room key was before i got there (it's hanging on the left side of the shed near the door for future reference). Scrappy was there early and used some detective training he must have learned in law school to find the key.
- The new speaker, since my old one broke, was in full effect today and accomplished the mission i set out for today – played some great tunes that Olive and Christina both enjoyed together…and of course, a few of my own as well!
- Scrappy showed off what looked to be an attempt and some breakdancing moves or old wrestling moves – not sure, during "Let's Get Ridiculous" portion of the workout. And then at one point, Scrappy was treating Dallas like Little Scrappy treats Bam Bam's dog – Baxter, and was humping his leg or something…again, a wrestling move.
- The boys from MacAulay – Bunyan, Raven, Bandwagon, and Iron City were all representing today! Nice job! Bam Bam was in Fayettenam for business.
- Dallas came in running before the workout – nice work!
- Good seeing a few guys I haven't seen in a while – Springfield and Firestone! Nice work men!
- Swedish Fish and Burvegas – nice work today, and don't think we've worked out much together, but that's probably my issue in not posting to GCC much lately.
- Denim – you came back for more after yesterday's Jedi-led beatdown at The Mighty Oak – nice work.
Thoughts and Prayers continue for Olive and family. I look foward to more posts at this great AO! So many options!
Until next time – Ditka….OUT!