Lets Hit the Stadium Steps

  FNG-1=Worley, FNG-2=Tinman, FNG-3=WMD

?The Thang:

·         We warmed up: SSH, burpees, Imperial Walkers, burpees, stretching

·         Then we split up:  group 1 went to the Davidson campus and ran, did lunges and merkins, more running, squats, more running, met up with group 2 at the Davidson track, then continue to run and snaked the stadium steps.

·         Group 2 went straight to the track: snaked the stadium stairs, partnered up for running/200 WW2 sit-ups, snaked the stairs again, running/125 merkins & 125 CDDs. 

·         Both groups moseyed back to The Green.

·         20 JLos in cadence

·         Fin