Lets just get to work

Event Date

Mar 13, 2019

Warm O'Rama

  • 12 SSH IC
  • 12 Hip Mobility IC
  • 12 Mericans IC

The Main Thang

Based on poplular request, AND I was in town, AND Freedom is now a woman's lacrosse coach, YHC offered a train of pain:

The follwoing erercises were done in Tabat fashion for the first round and then based off the ropes resource for round 2-4.

  1. Battle Ropes – 1 Min in Round 1, the 40 total for round 2, and 50 in Round 3 – Basicaly the timer
  2. Freddie Mercury – Amrap – right SWANSON?
  3. 40 lb Slam Ball – AMRAP
  4. 20 Lb Med ball crunch
  5. 25 lb lunge and curl
  6. Russian Twist with a 35 KB
  7. Optional Plank:
    1. Option 1:  on the Bosu ball
    2. Option 2:  on a skateboard, rotating left to right <– its as bad it sounds yet, awesome

Each round of exercises was followed by an increasing number of laps in front of DPK.  So…after warmups, we did 1 lap.  After the 1st round we did 2 laps…you get the idea…


No- we killed abs with workout so we went upper body – on the benches, we did alterntaing sets of dips and incline push-ups in sets of 10.  We got to 50 of each and decided it was time for tacos.   FYI… this is whe Jaws and Mona Lisa joined us.

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  1. Jaws and Mona Lisa got lost and ran 4 miles in like 8 hours and missed the pain train.  #greatworkgents
  2. Swanson has made such great strides in 3 months in months.   Keep up the work… the results are already showing
  3. Fiddler should be the Riddler until we figired he was Chief's son.  But I still want to rename him Twisty's
  4. Papa Smurf loved the Pain Train
  5. Jenny loves running despite what he says
  6. I love the Night Ranger workout.  Sever #HDHH discussion on the double fart sack guilt/enjoyment of the workout were had
  7. The Tacos were a hot mess like Mooch was the Chief planner.