Let’s Talk About Operation Sweet Tooth

Warm up:

  • Mosey down to the soccer field

  • 40 yr dash @ 50% (or full speed for Dallas)

  • SSH x 20 (IC)

  • 40 yr dash @ 75% (oops, I think SS just pulled something)

  • SSH x 20 (IC)

  • 40 yr dash @ 100% (this is when the mumble chatter started for MM, so 100%, I think not)

  • SSH x 20 (IC)

  • 40 yr dash @ 50% (unfortunately MM, pulled nothing in his mouth, MC continued)


The Thang:

Pick a Partner for DORA

  • Partner A runs to the end of the soccer field and back, Partner B does the exercise, when partner A gets back, they switch

  • Cycle 1: 150 V-ups (after each 10, 5 broad-jump burpees), when done, laps around the soccer field until everyone has completed – congratulations to SS and MM for winning cycle 1, full rules of GORUCK were in effect

  • Cycle 2: 300 hand-release merkins (after each 20, 5 broad-jump burpees), when done, well, no one finished …


  • 20 low-flutters (IC)

  • Single Leg medley: low flutter, low dolly x 10 (IC)

  • Pillow Talk x 15 (IC)

  • V-ups x 10



  • 9 strong men and one mumble chatter expert that wouldn’t shut up, met this challenge head on. (FNG-1 is Corleone)

  • Also, strong work to Blackberry for ACTUALLY staying for the double down.Much talk about a double down before we started but most opted (wimped out) for coffee at Madalyn’s

  • Lots of early workout chatter that quickly abated as “The Thang” began.But there is always an exception to the rule.Thankfully, I could only hear Mini Me when I ran by him, but I have it on good authority (his partner) that he didn’t shut up the whole time.So you have to wonder if he was giving it his all or if he was a weight on his esteemed and loveable partner (again, Special Sauce if you weren’t paying attention above).

  • Let’s talk about Operation Sweet Tooth: Our Brother, Olive, is in need of us to step up in a big way and help support his initiative to honor the life of his daughter, Christina (Sweet Tooth), and help bring some joy and peace to children who are in great need of it.  If you are like me, you are trying to pay attention but probably haven’t nailed down exactly how to help.

  • The full version: here’s the link to Olive’s full post: http://f3nation.com/2016/10/09/operation-sweet-tooth-update-october-9th-2016/

  • The short version: If you are coming to the F3 Isotope Christmas party, bring 1) games (playing cards, Jenga, Chess, Yahtzee, Legos, etc.) and 2) board games especially (Monopoly, Clue, , Trouyble, Trivial Pursuite, etc.) or activity books (Sudoko, Coloring, Crossword, etc.)


  • Thanks to Crimson for heading DR to give me the opportunity to lead these men

  • Many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 3+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m just so darn glad he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the work.Jolly Roger said it best that someone out there is praying for this and the y won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy.