Let’s Try and Run and Get Some Strength

Event Date

Aug 10, 2022

Showed up a little early and Dirt was already there getting in a Standard


20 Copperhead Squats IC

10 Cotton Pickers IC

Quad Stretch

10 Tony Hawks IC

The Thang

Mosey to the top corner of the parking lot and do 20 merkins OYO

Mosey to the other corner of the parking lot by the fire station and do 10 burpees OYO

Mosey down by the dumpster and do 20 squats OYO

Mosey to the other end of the parking lot and do 20 Jane Fonda's IC each leg

Mosey down the other shoot on the opposite side of the parking lot and do 35 Grady Corn's and 20 air press

Mosey down the other shoot to the other side of the parking lot and do 20 Monkey humpers IC 

Mosey down the next shoot to the other side and do 20 Freddy Mercury's IC 

Mosey down the last shoot and do 20 lunges OYO 

Go all the way back to the top of the parking lot the same way zig zagging back on forth to the top corner


Mosey back around the small building to finish up 2 miles


1 minute of planking

20 LBC IC 

Recover Recover


Matt 6:12 NLT

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be

Stew on that for awhile


Do not let Dolittle park your car when he is still not awake

Dirt doesn't see a problem with Dolittle's parking

Dirt thinks Denver doesn't do enough standards 

There is a need for more Denver F3 T-shirts. Dirt has some good ideas. I know Doliitle, Bronco, Dirt, and a few others showed interest in shirts so lets make an order happen. 

I know this BB might not make sense. Maybe go look at it on Strava


Thank  you guys for showing up and pushing me. 
