Lets turn this up to 11!

FNG= Primus 

Sunday at 1pm 

Broke says to Finkle "Hey who is Q tomorrow?" 

Finkle says to Broke "No one, want to VQ?" 

Broke says to Finkle "Not a chance but I want you to take it and do a circuit or something" 

And that brings us all to EL Mustang at 5:30am on a ice cold Monday morning. 10 PAX and a Q showed and the good times rolled. 

Warm Up:

  • SSH-25-IC
  • Toy Soldiers-10-IC
  • Emperial Storm Troopers-10-IC
  • Copper Head Squats-10-IC 
  • Right over Left
  • Left over Right 
  • Arm Circles all around 

The Thang! 

  • Turn it Up to 11!
    • Station 1: Dip on the bench 
    • Station 2: Squat 
    • Station 3: Derkin 
    • Station 4: Mountian Climber 
  • Run the circuit stopping at each station 
    • Round 1: one rep at each station 
    • Round 2: two reps at each station 
    • Round 3: three reps at each station 
    • Round 4: four reps at each station 
    • Round 5: five reps at each station 
    • Round 6: six reps at each station 
    • Round 7: seven reps at each station 
    • Round 8: eight reps at each station 
    • Round 9: nine reps at each station 
    • Round 10: ten reps at each station 
    • Round 11: eleven reps at each station 
  • Mosey to the launch pad and then down to the bottom of the stairs 
    • 25 LBCs because ehh why not? 
    • Line up in 2 lines 
      • 10 Stair Sprints 
    • After 10 Sprints circle up for Mary 

Time was 6:08 we are in for 7 Minutes of SLOOOOOOW Mary 

  • LBCs-10-IC 
  • Low Fludders-10-IC 
  • Hold the Fludder for a 30 count 
  • Dying Coroaches-10-IC 
  • Jane Fanda's-10-IC and switch 
  • WW1s-10-oyo 

Recover Recover 


8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 
9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

  • Philippians 4:8-9 
    • Be challengeed in perspective and focus 
    • See long term over short term 
    • Focus on the things above 


  • Thriftshop reminded us that we were closer to being in the 30s than the 50s weather wise…and age wise for some of you old geezers <3
  • Mulligan made a strong apperience today, unlike last Monday when he was the Q, but as a man who also missed a Monday Morning Q this year I will put those jokes to rest. Great to have you and awesome work!
  • SWFL is just a man amongust boys, finishing in the top group times AND sprinting home! Nice! 
  • Broke has finally conquered Name-O-Rama, its time for his VQ 
  • Sparrow told me this one stunk, thank you? i think…
  • Styx F3 word count is up to about 15, but he will drop some pretty strong one liners if you are listening, show to know! 
  • Clark decided the workout was too easy and took a 5 minute break to eat fruit snacks..not kidding 
  • Primus it was great to have you back, grown man pushing himself to new limits! 
  • Mater learned the worlds most important lesson today…NEVER poke the bear..especially a bear with Thunder! 3 rounds in Mater makes a snarky remark "Im surprised ThunderClub hasnt lapped us yet", not knowing ThunderClub was right behind him. TC dropped a casual "I was just letting you get tired" and then all the group saw for the next 30 minutes was TCs back side as he ran circles around the rest of us. All Hail the King. 


As always, it was a great time of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Its an honor to lead and work along side each and everyone of you, it is a joy in my life to do this. 

Thank you for showing up at Laces Out Dojo 

God Bless, 

Sensei Finkle