Let’s warm up for 2+ miles before lifting blocks

YHC and the M attended or hosted 4 parties over the last 4 days, so the pax was warned a good beatdown would be needed.  8 pax plus YHC showed up anyway.  Here's what we did…

1st, as the runners returned from running the standard, YHC told them to leave their headlamps on.  That came in handy.


Warm-o-rama:  This took a minute.  We turned our 2-3 headlamps on and went offsite immediately, much to the pax's surprise.  Across Gilead and into Cedarfield, we stopped at most intersecting streets along the way (borrowed concept from The Wilderness' "RTR") for a warmup exercise.  Made a loop including some nasty hills and some pretty Christmas lights, and when we returned those of us who kept our gps watches on reported covering 2+ miles (2.13 on my watch).  So we were warmed up.

Straight up to the top of the parking lot to grab the blocks:

Low curls x 15 IC

High curls x 15 IC

Full curls x 15 IC (and thus the "Colt 45" borrowed from TopGun)

Skull Crushers x 21 IC (YHC pushed the pax a little on this one)

Lawn Mowers x 10 each arm IC

Quick break for the pax to do 5 pull-ups while YHC ran to get the speaker (YHC strategically parked up top)

More Lawn Mowers x 10 each arm IC

Full Curl x 10 IC 

Skull Crushers.  When we got to 10 IC, YHC commanded "follow me" while we continued with the skull crushers into the woods.  Continue until it was your turn to put your block away.

Mary:  MWAR (Mary With A Rope)


The Moleskine:

Friday it was 60 something and humid.  A sweat-fest at Cauldron.  Today it was 32 "feels like 27" accoring to the iPhone. Brrr.  But the pax dressed appropriately and we stayed warm – mostly by running.  Once we returned to the AO, we were warm enough to last us through some block work and MWAR.

The pax did an awesome job warming up for 2 miles.  Good pace, good banter with only short periods of no mumblechatter (and yes – Frogger was there the entire time).

Prayers up for Ultraman's mother as they work through what they believe to be a diagnosis.

Announcement:  YHC has the Q Friday at Cauldron and the #PB has already gone out for a 7AM start time. *party-parrot*

That's it.  That's the #BB.  The Force is OUT
