Level 2

Friday started early. Preparing for the Leadership Energetics retreat weekend had me shook.

I bribed Comet to show and promised a sandbag work out if he did.  One problem.  I had something totally different planned.

Things started ok.  Then… there was a lot of instruction.  Too many to comprehend (apparently).  Also, the mumble-chatter (the best part) was taking a turn towards mutiny.  It was clear.  I had Shyte show developing.

We worked through two sandbag movements and were about to switch it up.  The pax had had enough.  Control was slipping (or gone).

"Put the sandbags in a pile right there." 

More mutiny brewing…

"F it.  Give me 15 burpees OYO"  Control regained.

The remainder of the work out was 11's. 2 burpees at the bottom. 9 squats at the top. then 3 and 8 and so on until the count was completely reversed.

Grab the sandbags and return to the splash pad.


  • Stretches
  • 1 crisp clean burpee


It's clear that when you have a plan, you should follow it until that plan shows it's not working.  Switching up at the last moment was my mistake. Regaining control after losing it is way harder than maintaining it.

Thanks to a supportive pax and fantastic mumble-chatter (it really is the best part – I wish it existed everywhere) the day was saved and order in the world restored.