Event Date

Apr 06, 2023


What a glorious morning. Perfect weather to get after it. And that’s exactly what we did. Nine crazy men decided to take the challenge. And a challenge it was.

4:58 AM, the standard begins. Just prior Cherry bomb got out of his car is stiff as an 80 year old man. Don Ho was fresh looking as if he’d been up for 3 to 4 hours already. We did a 1.7 mile loop and we’re back in time for the show.

Filing in was Kozar, swingstate, Perrier, Swamp Fox, popcorn, and cobra. Man, that’s a stacked lineup, throw in cherrybomb and DonHo and I would take these guys over the adventures any day.  I guess cobra ran to the AO with his kettle bell above his head.

We begin with a run to Knox Hill Road. Upon arrival a 100 Merkins. Don Ho was super judge with regards to my form. His critiques were fair and mostly accurate.

Next, run back to the clubhouse and begin the flow.

The flow:

Step one: exercise at the loop with your kettlebell

Step two: run to the pull up bars, and do 10 pull ups

Step three: run up Devonshire to covington and do 10 Burpee’s.

Step four: rinse and repeat with new exercise for step one.

Exercises: 100 reps of each

Kb swings

Kb Squats

Kb Curls

Kb Shoulder press

Bulgarian split squats


Recover, recover

In total, we got 800 Reps and about 4 1/2 miles.

I don’t get much better fellas.

A few awards:

  1. Jobe wins for worst merican form. No surprise to auto when he read this.
  2. Best form on squats, Kozar.
  3. Most complaining and not doing the exercises, Cherry bomb.
  4. Toughest Drive home, cobra as he had to rifle carry his kettlebell a half mile back after all of that.
  5. Newest member to the team, popcorn. Everybody welcome the new pax named popcorn. I’ve never seen him before. Hope we see him more often.
  6. Biggest lover of rap music, Perrier. All he wanted was Eminem all the time.
  7. Most likely to slice all of his drives tomorrow, Swamp Fox. Make sure you show up early and loosen it up Big boy.
  8. Pax in the most midseason form, Don Hồ. It appeared at the end of the work out that DonHo was not even tired, and wanted more. He ran extra I think to just show off and assert his dominance.
  9. Finally, most fitness, hate goes to swingstate. He just makes it look too damn easy.

Thanks everyone for showing up on a random day at a random time. I hope the workouts just keep getting harder.

