Licensed to Sweat

Einstein, Stem, Bolt are FNGs 1,2,3



15 x Cotton Pickers IC

10 x Diamond Merkins IC

20 x copperhead squats

Parking lot Indian run lap rear drops for burpee before running to the front, leader holds hallelujah until passed meet at tennis courts

A little background music to occupy the time through the remainder of the workout – Beastie Boys shuffle “License to Ill”

The Thang

  1. 30 Step-ups left

  2. 30 step-ups right

Dip and Derk (Dip and Derks – 1 dip, 10 derkins … 10 dips, 1 derkin –  55 Dips, 55 Derkins)

Mosey to pull-up bar

Each pax does 10 pull-ups while remainder of PAX does AMRAP LBCs until everyone has completed their 10 in pairs


Mosey to rock pile and carry rock back to base of hill

Rock exercises at bottom, backwards run up hill, complete non rock exercise up top

15 x Rock Lunge IC

15 x monkey humpers IC

15 x Rock Squat IC

15 x pickle pounders IC

15 x Sidewinder IC

15 x reverse crunch IC

15 x Skull Crushers IC

15 x low dolly IC

15 x Full Curls IC

15 x flutter kicks IC

15 x Chest Press IC

15 x Crunches with rock on chest


Return Rock and to practice field

Contra Burpees to 9 (increase # of pushups each burpee until you reach 9)


Mosey back to launchpad and since we already had the music and Spork requested Sally, I obliged

Moby Flower – Squats



20 x Freddy Mercury IC

20 x Mason Twists IC

20 x LBCs IC

15 x Low plank knee-ups IC


Prayer and Reflection Combined

2 Thessalonians? 1:11-12? NLT


“So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.”


Mumble Chatter

  • hot smokefest today, started dripping sweat during warm-up

  • wasps at the rock pile , lots of ‘em, luckily no one got stung

  • The PAX brought it today. had a few issues with congestion during counts but the fellas kept going at it

  • FIA may be trying to take over Mustang … lots-o-dames out there this morning

  • ? Music wasn't loud enough to jam out to Beastie Boys License to Ill album, oh well

  • ?I was actually booed during the name-o-rama … aw shucks, you're welcome